Automated system for dispatching control of water and energy resources consumption “SADKO-Heat”
Efficient operation and maintenance of systems of water and energy consumption is not possible without modern means of process scheduling and control.
Water and energy consumption dispatching system "SADKO-Heat" was designed on the basis of hardware- software complex "SADKO" (Pattern Approval Certificate for Measuring Instruments No. 32383).
1. Description of the system
"SADKO-Heat" is a hardware-software system, intended for automated acquisition and processing of data from metering devices (water flow meters, heat meters, electric power meters, gas meters, etc.) and management of temperature controllers.
Functions and key features of "SADKO-Heat" systems:
- Monitoring of information from metering and accounting devices; current readings are displayed in diagrams with adjustable time interval (min 1 minute);
- Editable mnemonic diagrams of current readings in SVG editors (Google);
- Database maintenance for various levels: individual metering units, multi-apartment buildings, districts and city in general;
- Generation of reports about current performance and summary reports for all areas and objects for any time interval; printing of editable and customized forms of reports;
- Displayed location and operation state of thermal units;
- Geo-interface for easy search of objects on a map of the area embedded in the "SADKO-Heat" software package;
- Remote adjustment of settings, software and firmware via automatic data registration and communication unit BARS-02;
- Remote control of temperature controllers PRAMER-710 (heating, hot water supply, ventilation) and adjustment of temperature rate inside controlled buildings;
- Control of metering instruments, analysis of recalibration terms, opportunity to receive reports on recalibration intervals and service life of devices;
- Extended list of emergency situations triggered both in heat meters and in the System;
- Immediate notification about emergency situations (light and sound alarm at dispatcher's control station and SMS-alert to responsible specialists);
- Remote control of power supply of connected instruments at the objects; the System can be applied for electric power metering in each apartment;
- Differentiation and assignment of access rights to Users;
- Scalability: the software can be installed on one computer or on several, integrated by a computer network;
- Automatic switching between main and reserve databases;
- Automatic control of configuration and dynamic load balancing in case of system operation on several computers - these functions help to make the system stable, scalable and usability;
- Separate WEB-interface system for end users for data review;
- Simple set-up and maintenance process;
- Significant economic effect due to costs reduction.
Software of the system is compatible practically with all popular models of heat meters and can be easily adapted to operation conditions in any region.
The system is a multi-level distributed measurement information system. The main data communication methods are wireless technologies based on cellular communication in the packet data transmission mode (GSM-GPRS) and voice connections (GSM-CSD).
Example of structure organization is shown on the diagram (Fig.1).
Fig.1: Communal accounting of energy resources consumption
2. Hardware
1. One of major elements of the System is automated unit for data registration and communication BARS-02 (JSC "PromServis"). The unit is intended for receipt and broadcasting of control information, archival data from connected metering devices and information about triggering of discrete sensors to control station by means of GSM 900/1800 channels in GPRS mode, Internet channels.
It is possible to connect heat calculators, electric meters, temperature controllers, multiplexers through digital interface RS-485. Quantity of discrete inputs - 2 (connection of emergency alarm sensors).
Special features:
- Password protection against unauthorized access;
- Simultaneous operation of block with 2 data collection servers;
- Mini-USB connector for configuration and adjustment;
- SMS notification in case of failed connection with server and emergency situations.
2. Electronic temperature controllers PRAMER-710 with weather compensation function (JSC "PromServis") help to regulate hot-water supply and heating rate according to preset temperature chart taking into account weather conditions.
The controllers execute automatic management of heat supply in living spaces, working areas and facilities in order to provide comfortable conditions and economic consumption of thermal energy.
3. Metering devices. The system supports different models of metering devices for heat, water consumption, electricity, gas, produced by various manufacturers.
Flow meters: Pramer-52XX (JSC "PromServis") or others.
Heat meters and heat calculators: Pramer-TC-100 (JSC "PromServis"), VCT, Elf Modbus, Karat-M, TV7 and others.
Electric meters, multiplexers, pulse counters. Some devices are already connected to the system. It is possible to connect other models of instruments also after preliminary adjustment of settings – please, contact us to discuss in details.
Content of hardware of the system, characteristics and quantities of devices depend on a project technical specification and are discussed with every Customer particularly.
3. Software
"SADKO-HEAT" software is compatible with metering and accounting devices produced by different manufacturers.
Our specialists designed user-friendly interface, convenient both for administrators and users.
Automated workplaces or Control stations: PCs that don't require high performance. Users get access to resources of data collection server through LAN or Internet connection.
Structure of the system
Standard tools of operating system are used for organization of terminal access – this ensures excellent compatibility. A dispatcher can control water and energy consumption at separate objects and groups of objects up to a city as a whole; regulate a room temperature rate inside (weather regulation); get immediate information from security and fire alarm systems; receive various types of reports about resources consumption, etc.
Users do not need to install any specialized software for work with Web interface of "SADKO-Heat" system.
All information is registered and represented in the Event Log and saved in the archive with 5 years memory capacity.
The application is permanently upgraded and updated by specialists of JSC "PromServis".
The dispatching system "SADKO-Heat" was installed by water and heat supplying organizations and successfully works in Vologda, Ulyanovsk, Ufa, Sochi, Kazan, Pyatigorsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Dimitrovgrad and others.
We are always ready to create a modification of hardware-software system "SADKO-Heat" that will meet requirements of your specific project.