Feed water flow meter PRAMER-517
Flow meters "PRAMER-517" are intended for measurement of volume flow of feed water in circuits of nuclear power plants (NPP) and transmission of electric output signal to external devices.
Construction of flow meter PRAMER-517consists of 2 parts:
- primary transducer PP20, safety class 3H3 according to OPB-88/97 (General regulations on ensuring safety of nuclear power plants);
- secondary transducer IPV-7 - electronic module with connecting cable CC, safety class 4H according to OPB-88/97 (General regulations on ensuring safety of nuclear power plants).
Primary converter provides transformation of average flow rate V0 to time intervals between ultrasonic waves in direct and reverse flow - t1 and t2.
Microcontroller in electronic unit of secondary transducer runs measurement and proceeding of time intervals according to a preset algorithm.
Primary transducer is mounted on pipeline for the whole period of operation.
DN of the flow meter – 200 mm.
Output signals: 4-20 mA; digital (m3/hr) via RS-485 interface with Modbus protocol.
Operation conditions:
- steady mode with temperature of measured media T1 = 260 °C (533K) and operating pressure P1= 180 kgf/cm2 (18 MPa);
- steady mode with temperature of measured media T2 =160 °C (433 K) and operating pressure P1= 180 kgf/cm2 (18 MPa);
- steady mode at stopped circulation and filled flow channel primary transducer with temperature of measured media +145...+160 °C (418...433 K) and operating pressure 6...240 kgf/cm2 (0.6...24.0 MPa);
- transient state during change of steady modes.
Operating temperature and pressure at change of modes shouldn't be varied faster than 10 C/min and 100 (kgf/cm2)/min.
Maximal accuracy in the flow range 20...400 m3/hour, %:
At primary verification:
from 20 to 270 m3/hour - ± 1,0;
from 270 to 400 m3/hour - ± 0,5;
at long-term verification:
from 20 to 400 m3/hour - ± 1,0.
Operating conditions:
Ambient temperature: +5 ... +50 °С;
Humidity: up to 98 % (temp. not more than +35C, without condensation).
Technical parameters:
Flow meters instrument threshold is max 20 m3/hour.
Power supply: 187 -242 V AC, (50±1) Hz.
Power consumption: max 6 VA.
Seismic stability: I category according to NP-031-01.
Atmospheric pressure stability: group Р1 according to GOST 29075.
Mechanic impacts stability: group L1 according to GOST R 52931.
Flow meters correspond to specification requirements TR.4213-032-12560879-2012, design documentation package, GOST 25804.1 – GOST 25804.8, GOST 29070, GOST R 50746, rules and standards in atomic power engineering: PNAEG-01-011, PNAEG-1-028, PNAEG-5-006, PNAEG-7-008.