Heat meters
Heat meter is a device or complex of devices (measuring instrument), intended for calculation of thermal energy quantity and measurement of mass and parameters of heat carrier.
Application: sources of thermal energy, thermal points, objects of heat consumption (buildings) in industrial, municipal and household fields.
Heat meters can be produced in uniform or combined modifications.
JSC "PromServis" was one of first companies that developed and certified combined heat meters – heat meters that consist of separate elements (flow meters, temperature transducers, heat calculator), produced by various
anufacturers. In 2004 "PRAMER-1XX" heat meter was certified that included heat calculators by other manufacturers and flow transducers produced by JSC "PromServis".
Next model of heat meter - "VEPS-Heat" - was one of the first certified in accordance with standard GOST R EH 1434-1-2006 that requires correspondence of all characteristics at temperature up to + 55 °C.
In 2014 "VEPS-Heat" was replaced with updated modification of a combined heat meter "Pramer-Heat" conforming to requirements of standards GOST R 51649 and GOST R EH 1434-1.
In 2016 new combined heat meter was certified – "Pramer-Heat-VR" (registered in State Register of Measuring Instruments, № 64454-16).
Heat meters meet requirements of the Rules of thermal energy and heat carrier accounting (RF Government Resolution №1034 dd. 18.11.2013).
Measuring instruments, used as parts of combined heat meters:
- heat calculator (our product Pramer-TC-100 or other compatible model);
- flow transducer (our products Pramer-510, Emir-Pramer-550 and VEPS or other compatible model) with pulse output, frequency up to 1 kHz, pulse weight from 0.000001 to 1000 l/pulse, passive electric output;
- platinum resistance temperature transducers with nominal static characteristics Pt100;
- gage pressure transducers with current output signal (4-20) mA and upper measurement limit not more than 1.6 MPa.
Maximal quantity of connected flow transducers, temperature and pressure transducers depends on modification of heat meter and model of heat calculator.
Functions of heat meters:
- measurement of flow rate, temperature, pressure;
- calculation of current average (arithmetic mean) values of heat carrier parameters in pipes for a preset time intervals;
- calculation of values of consumed heat energy in a heating system and heat energy not returned by the consumer together with lost heat carrier (for certain measurement schemes);
- backup of measurements and calculations results for each heat input in non-volatile memory;
- keeping records about administrative events and emergency situations;
- indication of measurement, calculation, setup and backup parameters;
- generation of logic signal at discrete output depending on setting and abnormal situations;
- output of measuring, diagnostic, setup and backup data via RS-485 or USB interfaces;
- recording of generated reports, archive and setup data on SD-card memory;
- automatic control of transducers' faults and emergency situations at heat inputs; detection, display and backup of normal operation period, abnormal situations and thermal energy accounting stop time for each heat input;
- protection of archived data and setup parameters from unauthorized access and changes.
Technical characteristics:
Protection degree - IP54;
Average lifetime – 12 years;
Mean time between failures – not less than 75000 hours;
Recalibration interval – 4 years;
Warranty – 4 years.