Company standards preparation
Portable diagnostic systems
On-line monitoring and diagnostic system SADKO
SADKO monitoring
SADKO Control
Upgrade of other monitoring systems
Field balancing of rotors
The working document "Arrangement and Execution of Jobs for Vibration Control, Vibration Monitoring and Vibration Diagnostics of the Dynamic Equipment" sets the main requirements to system of maintenance and repair of dynamic equipment based on its actual state, with monitoring of technical state during operation in prerepair and post repair periods.
These standards, or working documents, are entered at enterprises in order to determine:
- Requirements to arrangement and realization of monitoring of technical state of dynamic equipment by method of vibration diagnostics with application of stationary and portablesystems of measurementand analysis of vibration;
- Requirements to arrangement of technical diagnostics of equipment during the prerepair and postrepair periods ("acceptance control");
- Requirements to arrangement of acquisition and analysis of data on repairs and operating time of equipment;
- Requirements to volumes of executed repair works based on actual state, and volumes of scheduled preventive maintenance with monitoring of technical state during operation;
- Procedure of interaction of production areas (shops) and subdivisions of the enterprise (for example chief mechanical engineer, chief power engineer, etc);
- Principle requirements to staff and applied metering equipment;
- Norms of vibration, basic concepts in the field of vibration diagnostic, requirements to form and execution of turnover documents.