Upgrade of other monitoring systems
Monitoring systems of other manufacturers can be equipped with hardware and software of SADKO system in order to get a complete set of functions and possibilities. Nowadays specialists of JSC "PromServis" successfully upgrade stationary monitoring system Bently Nevada 3500
Designation and purposes of Bently Nevada 3500 system upgrade by means of SADKO System:
- Diagnosing of nodes and blocks of machines, detection of defects;
- Prevention of sudden emergencies and equipment downtime;
- Reduction of expenses caused with insufficient production;
- Increase of interrepair intervals and machines lifetime;
- Prediction of trouble-free operation period;
- Exclusion of urgent unscheduled repairs;
- Maintenance based on technical condition.
Important! Measurement of signals is carried out from the normalized outputs of modules 3500/40 Proximitor of Bently Nevada system.
Fig.1 Bently Nevada 3500
Description of stationary diagnostic system
Standard functions of Bently Nevada 3500:
- Registration and storage of current values of controlled parameters with possibility of data transfer to enterprise information systems;
- Control of excess of settings limits with output of appropriate alarm signals;
- Data representation at operator's PC:
- Information about state of equipment and components, based on the analysis of vibration displacement:
- GREEN – the state is admissible (good, excellent);
- YELLOW – the state requires taking measures;
- RED – the state is inadmissible.
- Values of parameter:
- diagrams of trends of equipment operation mode changing;
- diagrams of orbits of limited number of rotating speed harmonicas.
- Self-diagnostics of the system and its components.
- Providing of information protection fromillegal access.
Advanced functions, available after the upgrade:
1. Automatic diagnostics
Diagnosing of the equipment is carried out in automatic mode or upon user's request. Identification of faults is executed taking into account mutual influence of separate nodes (according to the technique of diagnostics developed by JSC "PromServis"). Block-by-block diagnostics is possible.
Figure 2: Window of diagnostic results with indication of detected defects and values of measured parameters
The list of diagnosable faults is defined depending on construction of controlled machine. It is agreed with a customer in technical specification and usually includes:
- Shafts imbalance;
- Misalignment of jointed shafts;
- Defects of sliding and rolling bearings;
- Defects and imbalance of couplings;
- Defects of rotor wheels.
Measured parameters
The system of vibration diagnostics and monitoring measures and controls the following parameters:
- Level of vibration signal in adjustable frequency band (mm/sec);
- Spectra of signals of absolute vibration on bearing supports; waveform (micron, mm/sec, m/sec2);
- Spectra of signal envelope of absolute vibration (%);
- Other technological parameters, upon agreement with the Customer.
When sensors-proximeters are applied, full spectra of signals in adjustable frequency bands are calculated for execution of diagnosing.
The system uses the following methods of calculation: envelope signal extraction using 1/3-octave filters; analysis of parameters of high-frequency vibration, direct spectra, impact pulses, temperature.
The system allows to predict interval of trouble-free machine operation at the current technological mode.
2. Evaluation of equipment state on the basis of diagnostics results and analysis of vibration displacement. Reporting of measuring data to operator and their representation in program interface (Figure 3):
GREEN – the state is admissible (good, excellent);
YELLOW – the state requires taking measures;
RED – the state is inadmissible.
Fig.3 Main window of "SADKO" program with indication of controlled parameters.
2. Visualization of parameter values in various forms:
- diagrams of trends of operation mode changes;
- diagrams of orbits of any harmonic components set in any frequency range up to 5 kHz (Fig. 4);
Fig.4 Display of characteristic functions. From left to right: an orbit (a path of movement of rotor in a bearing); signals from two orthogonally placed sensors; amplitude spectra and a phase spectrum.
- signals and spectra of vibro displacement with filtering in adjustable frequency rangesup to 10 kHz and possibility of viewing in terms of vibration rate and vibration acceleration;
- phase and total spectra of signals in adjustable frequency ranges.
3. Generation of reports about objects state in a form, approved with the Customer.
4. Data preparation about objects state in the form suitable for transmission to maintenance and repair automated control system and enterprise information systems.
5. Display of results on workplaces of interested specialists within local network or via Internet.
"SADKO" system automatically registers all actions of personnel, including facts of switching on and off, resets, attempts to remove protection, configuration changes, etc.
Structure of the system.
The system consists of
- vibration controller and
- server of data collection and processing.
The vibration controller (VK) is mounted inside of the Bently Nevada rack and connected to specialized outputs of 3500 System. VK is intended for measurement and transmission of signals and spectra of vibration displacement, values of displacement amplitude to the server. Data are transferred through Ethernet network in real time synchronously on all channels.
Server of data collection and processing,with installed "SADKO" software of monitoring and diagnostics, is placed on the operator's control panel.
Results of monitoring and diagnostics are available for managers and concerned experts. Results of diagnostics, including configurations of machines, values of measured parameters and revealed defects, can be transferred to the enterprise automatic control system with use of SQL requests.
Training of personnel
JSC "PromServis" organizes free trainings for servicing and operational staff of the Customer regarding techniques and methods of the system operation.
JSC "PromServis" undertakes to execute warranty service within one year after start of the system operation.
In general, the software module of "SADKO" system, produced by JSC "PromServis", at much lower cost, realizes all main functions of expert system System 1 with diagnostic module of Decision Support Studio –RuleDeskTMPro (Bently Nevada). Plus our system has a row of advantages:
- Additional means of visualization and mathematical treatment of measurements.
- Possibility of state monitoring and diagnostics of nodes of equipment with high-frequency perturbation forces of vibration. For example, state of blade row.
- A customer can independently create new diagnostic parameters that will be calculated from results of measurements, enter new diagnostic rules of failures detection.
- Providing concerned specialists with all essential information about condition of controlled equipment by means of local enterprise network or Internet.
- Free updates within the purchased software version.
- Consultancy support regarding techniques of vibration monitoring and work with the System.