Виды деятельности

Certification of specialists

he examination centre "PromServis", on the basis of the accreditation certificate number EC-036 dated 11-July-2008, issued by the Examination Center of Independent Authority for personnel certification "SertiNK" at Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, certifies specialists for I and II levels of qualification in vibrodiagnosticmethod of nondestructive testing.

Types of certification: primary certification, extension of the qualification certificate, recertification, enlargement of the certification scope.

Certification scopes, list of dangerous industrial facilities:

  • Equipment for oil and gas industry:
  • Equipment for well drilling;
  • Equipment for wells operation;
  • Equipment for development and repair of wells;
  • Equipment for gas and oil transferring stations;
  • Oil and gas pipelines.

Equipment for highly explosive and chemically dangerous productions:

The equipment of the chemical, petrochemical and oil processing productions working under the pressure up to 16 MPa.

  • Equipment of the chemical, petrochemical and oil processing productions working under vacuum.
  • Compressor and pumping equipment.
  • Centrifuges, separators.
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